Light Alcoholic Focus Group $70
For the unintiated, this is market research where you are paid for
your opinion if you are selected. It can be in the form of an indepth
survey, where you are being surveryed on a 1-to-1 basis, or a focus
group type, where a group of 8-10, together with a facilitator will
discuss a topic. Upon the completion of the survey/focus group,
participants will receive the incentives on the spot.
After you submit your details, you will still be required to undergo a
telephone screening to check for suitability. This is for market
research integrity. Otherwise, anyone can try to "fake" their
eligibility in order to qualify.
This project is more specific. Please read carefully and send only if
your profile match.
Please see criteria below for this project:
General Criteria:
1. Visit restaurant/bars/hotels/clubs at least twice a month
2. Casual (ie not regular) non beer, light or medium beer drinkers
3. Chinese Only
4. Participants will be required to do taste testing at the focus groups
Specific Criteria (5 Types of Profiles)
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Occupation: Either FT working adult or university/poly/jc student
Income: If FT working adult (personal income of at least $2,000. If
student, household income of at least $5,000)
Date: 11th March
Time: 330pm
Age: 33 or 34
Gender: Male
Occupation: White collar FT working adult with University Degree
Income: Personal income of at least $3,000
Date: 11th March
Time: 630pm
Age: 36 to 45
Gender: Female
Occupation: White collar FT working adult with University Degree
Income: Personal income of at least $3,000
Date: 12th March
Time: 930am
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Occupation: university/poly/jc student
Income: Household Income of at least $5,000
Date: 12th March
Time: 930am
Age: 31 to 32
Gender: Female
Occupation: At least white collar worker with University Degree
Income: Personal income of at least $3,000
Date: 12th March
Time: 130pm
Venue: Killliney Road
Incentives: $70
Interested, please reply with the following to
1. Full Name (As in NRIC)
3. Contact
4. Email
5. Frequency of Visits to Bars/Restaurants/Clubs/Hotels
6. Household Income or Personal Income (whichever applicable)
7. Age
8. Occupation
9. Gender
10. Highest Qualifications
11. Martial Status (Single/Married with Kids/Married with No Kids)